Q: What is one goal you have for yourself in in baseball?
A: One goal I have is to hopefully make it to the MLB.
Q: What do you like to do when you're not playing baseball?
A:If I’m not playing baseball, I like to Play Video Games, hangout with family. I really like going to watch my uncle & aunt play ball. 
Q:What is the dumbest thing you've heard from spectators in the stands?
A: One thing I’ve heard that bugs is when parents say, “keep your eye on the ball” or when my mom tells me to keep my elbow up in the box.
Q:What is the best advice you've been given by a coach or mentor?
A: one piece of advice that has stuck with me & I feel has helped me improve my game is, “Your not going to TRY to make it happen, you ARE going to make it happen.” From that I’ve had to learn & understand that going into a game with confidence is key to success. 
Q:What has baseball taught you that you can apply in life outside athletics?
A: Baseball has taught me a lot of life skills, working with others, accountability, goal setting, discipline & patience.

